Search Results
GACT 2016: Sergey Agapov - On integrability of geodesic flows on the two-torus
Sergey Agapov - On an integrable magnetic geodesic flow on a 2 torus
Lev Lokutsievskiy - Non integrability of geodesic flows
Agapov S. V., Sub-Riemannian integrable geodesic flow for Goursat distribution, part 1
MLSS 2012: M. Giroloami - Session 2: Diffusions and Geodesic Flows on Manifolds... (Part 1)
IX Workshop on Algebraic Theory of... - Webs on surfaces and integrability of geodesic flow
Gabriela Ovando - First integrals of the geodesic flow on nilpotent Lie groups of step at most three
Mironov A. E., part 1
Mironov A. E., part 3